Main Edgecraft Site

Disclaimer: By buying any amount of ePoints, items, packages, abilities, etc... you are willingly DONATING to Edgecraft and all associated brands/communities. By donating you are affirming that you understand our terms and conditions of donations, server guidelines, and other associated restrictions. Donating is considered gratuitous, meaning that you are willingly giving Edgecraft Services your money as a donation. All perks and incentives including ePoints are a courtesy of Edgecraft and do not have to be provided. Understand that all payments are final, and will only be refunded at the description of Edgecraft Staff. Any charge backs after the date of donation will result in a revocation of all account permissions, and a permanent ip ban from the Edgecraft Community, and possibly any other SMN services as well.

Additionally, please understand that after donating, it can take up to 24 hours (however, it usually doesn't take this long) to receive your donated items, we will receive the donation instantly but we have to make sure that it is legitimate on our end before we can allow you to use your points.

To view what you can get with points at this time, click here